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1830 detail ce75

Renew Europe believes a competitive and innovative European pharmaceutical sector is needed to meet our health- related challenges

Type: Press Release

Today, the Renew Europe Group welcomed the adoption in plenary of the proposal on A Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe. Over the past months we have seen that accurate responses to major health crises are vital. When public health is at stake, there is no time to lose. The ongoing COVID-19…
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The 2022 Budget: A victory for health, climate & rule of law

Type: Press Release

With only a few minutes to spare, the EU Parliament and the Council have reached an agreement on…
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COP26 in Glasgow : Renew Europe welcomes progress, but warns it is not enough.

Type: Press Release

The outcome of COP 26 in Glasgow shows the world needs to tackle climate change together and that…
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Renew Europe leads the creation of HERA

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe has consistently called for the creation of a decisive and effective European entity…
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Renew Europe demands proper legal framework for methane reduction

Type: Press Release

Methane is a short – lived but very strong greenhouse gas with serious health effects. In fact, it…
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Farm to Fork Twitter

From farm to fork strategy: for Renew Europe, competitiveness and sustainable agriculture can go hand in hand

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the adoption today of the farm-to-fork strategy by the European Parliament,…
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210930 HERA

Renew Europe insists that Parliament should have a say on HERA

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe deplores that the European Parliament has been sidelined by the Commission on the…
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200929 POPA Health visual 4 web

Renew Europe defends reinforcing the EU’s resilience to safeguard the health of all

Type: Press Release

During the worst period of the pandemic, Renew Europe remarked that the COVID-19 crisis revealed…
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Dacian Cioloş urges Commission President: “Time for us to become a Europe of results”

Type: Press Release

Today during the annual debate today on the “State of the Union” in the European Parliament in…
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Peniche riviere

For the European Parliament, sustainable transport goes through inland waterways

Type: Press Release

The fight against climate change is a crucial challenge for the passenger and freight transport…
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