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20211110 EP 121758 A ROG 736 RESIZED M

Szymon Hołownia's Poland 2050 joins the Renew Europe Family

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group is pleased to announce that Szymon Hołownia's Poland 2050 and Róża Thun MEP have joined the Renew Group in the European Parliament. Renew Europe thus welcomes a new nationality and is now comprised of 99 MEPs from 23 member states (compared to 21 at its creation).

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Bela bild

Belarus border: Lukashenka must pay a price for state sponsored human trafficking

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament has today called for fresh sanctions and…
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Renew MEPs on mission to Spain to investigate unsolved murders perpetrated by ETA

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament has made an official visit to Spain this week to seek answers regarding the…
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Ro L

Rule of Law mechanism: Renew Europe welcomes long overdue lawsuit against the European Commission

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe was the first group to insist the European Parliament takes the European Commission to…
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211021 Safer Internet for children in the EU position Paper web blue

Children deserve a safer internet

Type: Press Release

Today, with its first ever position paper on the issue of online child abuse, commercial targeting…
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Transparency on vaccine contracts needed

Type: Press Release

As a response to citizens’ requests received by the European Parliament’s Committee on Petitions…
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Renew Europe demands Polish women have autonomy over their own bodies

Type: Press Release

On 22 October 2020, the illegitimate Polish Constitutional Tribunal ruled to impose a de facto ban…
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Renew Europe calls for legal action to be initiated against the European Commission to address the Rule of Law crisis in Poland and Hungary

Type: Press Release

Speaking at his first press conference as President of the Renew Europe Group in the European…
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The European Council must defend the European interest and find real solutions to the challenges faced by EU citizens

Type: Press Release

Ahead of the meeting of the European Council of the 21 - 22 October, the President of Renew Europe,…
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Poland debate PR

Poland: The European Council must defend the EU's legal order and address the PiS Government's rejection of the primacy of EU law at the 21-22 October summit

Type: Press Release

The illegitimate Polish Constitutional Tribunal's rejection of the primacy of EU law is an attack…
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