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Raw materials

Raw materials: Renew Europe calls for a strategy to ensure stability and independence for European industries

Type: Press Release

China provides the European Union with 98 percent of its supply of rare earth elements. This is unsustainable. For Renew Europe, it is paramount that Union develops an EU strategy to boost its strategic autonomy and secure stable and safe access to critical raw materials.With the ongoing twin…
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Ambitious NIS2 legislation will ensure EU's Cybersecurity gaps are plugged

Type: Press Release

Under the leadership of Renew Europe MEP Bart Groothuis, the Committee on Industry, Research and…
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Declaration of Paris: Renew Europe's roadmap for the coming period

Type: Press Release

At the end of its working days in Paris, Renew Europe adopted the Paris Declaration, which will be…
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Renew Europe Group working days in Paris

Type: Press Release

From Monday to Wednesday, Renew Europe is participating in a series of meetings in Paris, at the…
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Key Messages for the upcoming "Fit for 2030" Climate Package

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group is a driving force in the European Parliament for raised climate ambition in…
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Key Messages for the upcoming "Fit for 2030" Climate Package

Type: Policy Paper

The Renew Europe Group is a driving force in the European Parliament for raised climate ambition in…
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Malicious cyber-attacks are assaults on all EU citizens, warn Renew Europe

Type: Press Release

In light of the recent cyberattacks against EU institutions and Member States, including Ireland,…
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Renew Europe launches cycle of ‘Values Talks’, starting with the Estonian Prime Minister

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe family this week launches a series of monthly ‘Values Talks’ with the…
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European Commission urged to present decarbonisation measures while securing affordability and supply

Type: Press Release

Following Tuesday’s adoption by the European Parliament of two parliamentary initiative reports on…
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Renew Europe welcomes adoption of Horizon Europe – programme crucial for Europe's future

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes Tuesday’s plenary adoption of Horizon Europe, the Union’s future-oriented…
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