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Intelligent TRANSPORT

Modernisation of intelligent transport systems for safer and more fuel-efficient driving

Type: Press Release

A major step towards a low-carbon road transport policy was reached today by the European Parliament and the Council meeting in trilogue, to modernise European legislation on intelligent transport systems (ITS). This text aims to make essential ITS mandatory throughout the EU and to solve problems…
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Press Banner Business Days Morten OK

Business Days: let’s make the EU Single Market a window of opportunity for businesses!

Type: Press Release

Non-regulation is as bad as over-regulation, this is one of the main conclusions of the second and…
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Press Banner Business Days DLABAJOVA

Business Days: listening, supporting and empowering European SMEs, a priority for Renew Europe

Type: Press Release

The Business Days have kicked-off today at the European Parliament, a Renew Europe’s two-day major…
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Renew Europe calls for swift negotiations with the Council and a fast implementation of ASAP

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament welcomes today’s adoption by this House, under…
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Geographical indications: the protection of regional products contributes to the circular economy and consumer confidence

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes today's vote in the plenary session of the European Parliament in favour of…
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220125 INGE Report 2

Foreign interference and disinformation: the EU must use its powers to protect democracy while preserving our freedoms

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes the adoption today during the European Parliament’s plenary session…
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EU-U.S Trade and Technology Council: it is time to deliver!

Type: Press Release

In the uncertain global context, with the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine and a more assertive…
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Critical Raw Materials

Critical Raw Materials: Renew Europe sets out its priorities for secure, diversified, affordable and sustainable supplies

Type: Press Release

Critical raw materials are the lifeblood of our transition to a digital and green economy. They are…
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SMEs, Start-ups and Entrepreneurs - a major Renew Europe Priority

Type: Campaign


SMEs might be small in size, but they are big in impact. They are a vital source of creativity and…
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AI regulation landscape

AI Act: EU paves the way for world's first comprehensive rulebook on AI

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe group welcome today's ground-breaking adoption of the EU's Artificial Intelligence…
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